Refurbishing Power Pack Reefer Generators: How to Save Money and Time

In the world of refrigerated transport and cold-chain logistics, power pack reefer generators are vital. They ensure the integrity of the cold chain, protecting perishable goods and refrigerated freight during transit.

However, these refrigerated generators require regular maintenance. Without it, their efficiency can drop, leading to costly breakdowns and cargo spoilage.

This article will guide you through the best practices for maintaining and refurbishing your power pack reefer generators. It aims to help you extend their lifespan, reduce downtime, and save money on repairs and replacements.

Stay tuned to learn how to keep your refrigerated transport running smoothly and efficiently.

Generator Enclosure

Understanding Power Pack Reefer Generators

Power pack reefer generators play a crucial role in refrigerated transport. They provide the energy needed to maintain the temperature inside refrigerated containers.

These power pack generators are designed to withstand harsh conditions. They are robust, reliable, and built to last. However, like any mechanical equipment, they require regular care to perform at their best.

Understanding how these generators work is the first step towards effective maintenance. They operate on a simple principle: converting fuel into electricity to power the refrigeration unit.

Key components of a power pack reefer generator include:

  • The engine
  • The alternator
  • The fuel system
  • The cooling system
  • The control panel

Knowing these components and their functions can help you identify potential issues early. This knowledge is essential for effective maintenance and refurbishment.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of power pack reefer generators is vital. It ensures the reliability and efficiency of refrigerated transport.

Without proper care, these generators can break down. This can lead to costly repairs and downtime. Worse, it can compromise the integrity of the cold chain, leading to spoilage of perishable goods.

Regular maintenance can prevent these issues. It can extend the lifespan of your generators, reduce downtime, and save money on repairs and replacements.

Here are some key benefits of regular maintenance:

  • Ensures the efficiency and reliability of refrigerated transport
  • Prevents costly breakdowns and cargo spoilage
  • Extends the lifespan of the generator
  • Saves money on repairs and replacements

In short, regular maintenance is an investment. It pays off in the long run by ensuring the smooth operation of your refrigerated transport.

Power Pool Plus Power Pack Genset Service

Step-by-Step Maintenance Guide

Maintaining your power pack reefer generator doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a systematic approach, you can ensure its optimal performance.

First, create a maintenance schedule. This should include daily, weekly, monthly, and annual checks.

Here are some key steps to include in your maintenance routine:

  1. Check the fuel level and refill if necessary.
  2. Inspect the generator for any visible damage or leaks.
  3. Clean the generator and its components to remove dust and debris.
  4. Check the battery and replace it if it's not holding a charge.
  5. Inspect the insulation and airflow system for any issues.
  6. Check the refrigerant level and refill if necessary.
  7. Inspect the electrical connections and tighten any loose ones.
  8. Perform a load test to ensure the generator is working efficiently.

Remember, safety first. Always turn off the generator and disconnect it from the power source before performing any maintenance tasks.

Also, keep a record of all maintenance activities. This can help you identify recurring issues and plan for future maintenance.

Lastly, don't hesitate to call in a professional if you encounter any issues beyond your expertise. Regular maintenance can go a long way in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your power pack reefer generator.

Identifying Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Power pack reefer generators, like any mechanical equipment, can develop issues over time. Being able to identify these issues early can save you time and money.

Here are some common issues you might encounter:

  1. The generator doesn't start: This could be due to a dead battery, a faulty starter motor, or a problem with the fuel system.
  2. The generator is overheating: This could be due to a lack of coolant, a blocked radiator, or a faulty thermostat.
  3. The generator is making unusual noises: This could indicate a problem with the engine, such as worn-out bearings or a damaged piston.
  4. The generator is using too much fuel: This could be due to a dirty air filter, a problem with the fuel injection system, or a lack of regular maintenance.

If you encounter any of these issues, start by checking the most common causes. For example, if the generator doesn't start, check the battery and the fuel system first.

However, if you can't identify or fix the issue, it's best to call in a professional. Trying to fix a complex issue without the right skills or tools can cause more harm than good.

Generator Enclosure Paint

When to Refurbish Your Reefer Generator

Knowing when to refurbish your reefer generator is crucial. It can help you avoid costly breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

One sign that your generator may need refurbishing is frequent breakdowns. If you're constantly having to repair your generator, it might be more cost-effective to refurbish it.

Another sign is decreased performance. If your generator is using more fuel than usual or struggling to maintain the right temperature, it might be time for a refurbishment.

Remember, regular maintenance can help you spot these signs early. It's always better to refurbish your generator before it breaks down completely.

The Refurbishment Process: Saving Money and Extending Lifespan

Refurbishing your power pack reefer generator can save you money in the long run. It can also extend the lifespan of your equipment, reducing the need for costly replacements.

The refurbishment process involves several steps. These include inspecting the generator, replacing worn-out parts, and testing the equipment to ensure it's working properly.

Here are the key steps in the refurbishment process:

  1. Inspection: The generator is thoroughly inspected for any signs of wear and tear.
  2. Replacement of Parts: Any worn-out or damaged parts are replaced with new ones.
  3. Testing: The refurbished generator is tested to ensure it's working properly.

Our Process:

  • Complete removal of all interior components including end frame
  • Container: New container was provided and fabricated to Power Pool Plus design specifications
  • Engine: Overhauled in our shop with all new wear parts, cleaned and tested
  • Radiator: Re-cored to provide better efficiency and cooling
  • Re-coring is the process of re-fitting the inside coils with new components
  • Radiators are a key component in Power Pack operation. Whenever possible Power Pool Plus will resource the best possible solution to ensure proper cooling capabilities that exceed customer requirements.
  • Generator: Re-built and baked with new tropical coatings to protect the windings from excessive moisture
  • Fuel Tank: Inspected for damage. Optional service, if necessary, to cut open for interior mechanical cleaning in the event of an excessive algae build-up scenario.
  • Lighting: Increased number of fixtures and upgraded all lighting to high intensity, LED lamps. A critical feature to those that will be servicing the unit.
  • End Frame: In this scenario we were able to save the end frame and integrated receptacle panel from the original unit for re-use. This helped us to save the customer $1000′s in replacement costs.
  • Improvements: During this process we were also able to recommend to the customer specific areas where Power Pack performance could be enhanced.
  • In this case, the original unit provided insufficient air flow for proper cooling and engine operation. The original container was entirely closed providing no access to service large components; such as, radiator, silencer, engine, or generator, without compromising the box through cutting, re-welding, and painting.
  • Customer agreed to have us incorporate additional rain proof exhaust louvers and access doors per current Power Pool Plus design. This ensured easy accessibility for maintenance which will extend the service life of the machine.
  • Cosmetic Improvement: Freshly painted both inside and out. It’s not just about looking good.
  • Having a clean, freshly painted Power pack not only looks nice, but it ensures a solid base protection from the elements by mitigating the negative effects of rust and corrosion. o Interior painting provides extra bright visibility inside the machine which not only aids in maintenance service, but also helps to visually identify potential leaks

Conclusion: The Benefits of Maintaining and Refurbishing Your Power Pack

Regular maintenance and timely refurbishment of your power pack reefer generator are crucial. They ensure the efficiency, longevity, and reliability of your refrigerated transport.

In the end, these practices save you money and time. They also contribute to the integrity of the cold chain, ensuring the safe transport of perishable goods.

Prepare Your Reefer Containers for Hurricane Season with Power Pool Plus

As hurricane season approaches, ensuring that your reefer containers remain operational during storms is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your perishable cargo. At Power Pool Plus, we understand the importance of reliable power solutions for your refrigerated freight containers. Our Power Packs and PortaPacks are designed to keep your reefer containers powered and your goods safe, no matter the weather conditions.

hurricane wind whipping trees knocking out power

A beautiful shot of lightning strike in the night sky over the city on a stormy night. Mystical cloudsA stunning view of a bustling cityscape at night, illuminated by the shimmering lights along the waterfront in AlkmaarHere are some essential tips to prepare your reefer containers for hurricane season:

1. Perform Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your Power Packs and PortaPacks is key to ensuring they function optimally during a storm. Check for any signs of wear and tear, ensure fuel levels are adequate, and test the systems to make sure they are operating correctly. Preventive maintenance can help you avoid unexpected failures when you need power the most.

city as hurricane winds and storm approach port

2. Secure Your Equipment

During a hurricane, high winds and flying debris can pose significant risks to your equipment. Secure your Power Packs and PortaPacks by anchoring them properly and protecting the cable ports with additional suitable covers. This will minimize the risk of damage and ensure that your power supply remains uninterrupted.


3. Have a Backup Plan

Despite the best preparations, sometimes things can still go wrong. Having a backup plan in place is essential. Consider having additional Power Packs or PortaPacks on standby, and ensure your team knows how to quickly navigate your freight yard and manage units if necessary. This redundancy can be a lifesaver during extended power outages.

4. Monitor Weather Conditions

Stay informed about upcoming weather conditions and be proactive in your preparations. If a hurricane is forecasted, ensure that all reefer containers are adequately powered and that your generators are in prime working condition. Early preparation can make all the difference in maintaining the integrity of your refrigerated goods.

Power Pool Plus_Power Pack PP300_Rental

5. Keep Emergency Contacts Handy

Have a list of emergency contacts readily available, including your generator service provider, local utility companies, and emergency services. Quick access to these contacts can expedite repairs and assistance in case of equipment failure during a storm.

6. Conduct Emergency Drills

Regularly conduct emergency drills with your team to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities during a hurricane. Practicing these scenarios will help your team respond swiftly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and potential losses.

At Power Pool Plus, we are committed to providing robust and reliable power solutions for your reefer containers. Our Power Packs and PortaPacks are built to withstand harsh conditions and keep your operations running smoothly, even during a hurricane.

By following these tips and using our dependable power solutions, you can ensure that your reefer containers remain operational and your perishable goods stay protected throughout hurricane season.

Stay prepared and stay powered with Power Pool Plus.

For more information and expert advice, visit our website or contact our team today.

Power Pack in Reefer Yard - Power Pool Plus

Global Food Waste Prevention: Innovations and Insights

Addressing the Food Waste Crisis

Food waste is a pressing global issue, with about a third of the food produced annually going to waste, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. A recent study from the University of Michigan reveals that nearly half of this waste, approximately 620 million metric tons, could be eliminated by implementing fully refrigerated food supply chains worldwide.

Aaron Friedman-Heiman, a master’s student at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability and Ross School of Business, spearheaded this study. He highlights the enormous potential for reducing food loss and waste through supply-chain optimization. The study estimates that inadequate cold-chain infrastructure is a major contributor to global food loss, leading to significant greenhouse gas emissions.

Environmental Impact: Poor cold-chain infrastructure results in the emission of 1.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, accounting for 28% of annual greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Therefore, improving warehousing and other aspects of the cold chain is crucial for minimizing food waste and mitigating its environmental impact.

perishable fruits foods


The Importance of Cold-Chain Logistics in Food Preservation

Cold-chain logistics is vital in the food industry. It involves the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods in a temperature-controlled environment. This process ensures the freshness and safety of perishable goods, extending their shelf-life, and reducing the risk of spoilage and waste.

Global Food Waste: A Challenge and Opportunity

Global food waste has significant environmental, economic, and social implications. Yet, it also presents an opportunity. By improving cold-chain logistics, we can reduce food waste and its impacts, including:

  • Increased greenhouse gas emissions
  • Economic losses for producers and consumers
  • Wasted resources used in food production
  • Increased pressure on land and water resources
  • Threats to food security and sustainable development

power pool plus global food waste prevention refrigerated generator

Advancements in Cold-Chain Technology

Cold-chain logistics technology has seen significant advancements in recent years. These improvements have the potential to revolutionize the way we handle perishable goods. From IoT devices to AI-powered analytics, these technologies are making cold-chain operations more efficient and reliable. They help maintain the quality of food products, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable living.

Refrigerated Transport and Its Impact

Refrigerated transport plays a crucial role in the cold-chain. It ensures that perishable goods are kept at the right temperature during transit, preserving their quality and safety. With advancements in refrigeration technology, transport vehicles can now maintain more consistent temperatures. This reduces the risk of spoilage and contributes to global food waste prevention.

The Role of Reefer Generators in Cold-Chain Efficiency

Refrigerated generators (aka reefers) are another key component of the cold-chain. They provide the power needed to keep refrigeration units running during transport. By improving the efficiency of these generators, we can reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. This also leads to cost savings, making cold-chain operations more sustainable and economically viable.

Resource Management for Sustainable Cold-Chain Operations

Effective resource management is key to sustainable cold-chain operations. It involves optimizing the use of energy, equipment, and manpower to reduce waste and improve efficiency. By adopting best practices in resource management, businesses can reduce their environmental footprint and achieve significant cost savings, making their operations more sustainable and profitable.

power pool plus cold-chain reefer generator

Implementing IoT and AI for Smarter Logistics

The use of IoT and AI in cold-chain logistics is a game-changer. These technologies enable real-time monitoring and predictive analytics, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of operations. With IoT devices, businesses can track the condition of their goods in real-time. AI, on the other hand, can analyze this data to predict potential issues and suggest preventive measures.

Real-Time Data Tracking and Its Benefits

Real-time data tracking provides businesses with up-to-the-minute information about their operations, enabling them to make informed decisions. By tracking data in real-time, businesses can quickly identify and address issues. This reduces the risk of spoilage and waste, contributing to global food waste prevention and sustainable living.

Overcoming Cold-Chain Logistics Challenges

Despite advancements in cold-chain logistics technology, several challenges remain. These include maintaining temperature control, ensuring energy efficiency, and addressing the last-mile delivery problem. However, with continuous innovation and collaboration among stakeholders, these challenges can be overcome, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable cold-chain operations.

Addressing the Last-Mile Delivery Problem

The last-mile delivery problem involves maintaining the quality and safety of perishable goods during their final journey to the consumer. Innovative solutions, such as mobile cold storage and smart containers, are being developed to address this issue. These technologies help ensure that perishable goods reach consumers in optimal condition, reducing food waste and promoting sustainable living.

Case Studies: Success Stories in Cold-Chain Logistics

Several companies have successfully implemented advanced cold-chain logistics technology to reduce food waste. For instance, some have leveraged IoT and AI to enhance their operations, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced spoilage. Others have used refrigerated transport generators to maintain optimal temperatures during transport. These success stories serve as a testament to the potential of cold-chain logistics technology in addressing global food waste.

The Future of Cold-Chain Logistics Technology

The future of cold-chain logistics technology looks promising. With continuous innovation and advancements in technology, the sector is poised to become more efficient and sustainable. The integration of IoT, AI, and blockchain technology is expected to revolutionize the industry, offering real-time tracking, predictive analytics, and enhanced traceability.

Moreover, the use of sensor technology and smart containers could further improve the quality and safety of perishable goods. These advancements will not only reduce food waste but also contribute to cost savings and improved food security.

Conclusion: The Role of Stakeholders in Reducing Food Waste

The fight against global food waste is a collective effort. Stakeholders across the supply chain, from farmers to retailers, have a crucial role to play. By adopting advanced cold-chain logistics technology and sustainable practices, they can significantly reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Moreover, consumers, policymakers, and technology providers also have a part to play. Through education, regulation, and continuous innovation, we can make a significant impact on global food waste food waste prevention.

Custom Generator Solutions for Refrigerated Cargo

As the demand for transporting temperature-sensitive goods continues to rise, the importance of reliable refrigerated transport (reefer) solutions has never been more critical. From pharmaceuticals to perishable food items, ensuring these goods reach their destination in pristine condition is a top priority for shipping companies. Custom built power generation solutions for refrigerated transport are key to meeting these stringent requirements. Here’s a look at how custom reefer genset solutions are powering the cold chain logistics industry.

power pool plus custom generator solution refrigerated transport cargo ships

Understanding Reefer Gensets

Reefer gensets, or refrigerated generators, are specialized power generation units designed to maintain the necessary temperature controls within refrigerated containers during transport. These units are essential for the movement of refrigerated cargo, particularly when transported via trucks, trains, or ships where access to a stable power source is not always guaranteed.

Why Custom Solutions?

Every refrigerated transport operation has its unique set of challenges. Factors such as the type of goods being transported, the duration of the shipment, and the specific temperature requirements all necessitate tailored power solutions. Custom power generation solutions for refrigerated transport are designed to meet the precise needs of each shipment, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.


Custom Reefer Genset Solutions

Custom reefer genset solutions take into account the cargo's size, weight, temperature sensitivity, and the journey's length to ensure that the goods remain at the right temperature throughout transit. By customizing the power generation units, companies can avoid the one-size-fits-all approach, which may not be suitable for all types of refrigerated cargo.

Benefits of Customization

The benefits of opting for custom reefer genset solutions include increased efficiency, reduced operational costs, and enhanced protection for sensitive goods. Customization can lead to gensets that are more fuel-efficient, have better temperature control, and are designed to fit perfectly with the transport containers in use. This tailored approach can also extend the lifespan of the gensets, as they are built to withstand the specific conditions they will face.

Innovation in Refrigerated Cargo Power

The refrigerated cargo shipping industry continues to innovate, with new technologies improving the efficiency and sustainability of reefer gensets. Companies now offer gensets with smart monitoring systems that allow for real-time tracking and adjustments to temperature settings. These advancements ensure that custom reefer genset solutions are not only reliable but also at the forefront of technology.

power pool plus custom generator solution refrigerated transport

Partnering with Experts

When it comes to acquiring custom reefer genset solutions, partnering with an experienced manufacturer like Power Pool Plus is crucial. Our team of experts can assess your specific requirements and design a power generation solution that aligns with your operational needs. With the right partnership, you can secure the robust and reliable reefer generators necessary for successful refrigerated cargo shipping.

Custom built power generation solutions are integral to the success of refrigerated transport. With the right genset in place, companies can ensure that their temperature-sensitive goods are transported safely and efficiently, maintaining quality and freshness upon arrival. As the industry evolves, Power Pool Plus's custom solutions will continue to play a pivotal role in the advancement of refrigerated cargo power.


Put Your Engine to Work – Repurpose A Refurbished Power Plant in a New Power Pack!

Drawing from our extensive experience of refurbishing used Power Packs, the team at Power Pool Plus is proud to introduce a new option for customers in urgent need of a power solution.  Power Pool Plus is now offering complete Power Pack builds around existing preowned power plants!  Due to global supply chain backup, the lead time for new engine skid packages is now up to over 40 weeks long, a time frame incompatible with the demands of many operations in need of mobile energy.  Couple this with trending inflation of material pricing and the scarcity of available rental units, the landscape of available energy solutions is sparse.  If your organization is able to source a refurbished engine from its current Power Pack inventory, our expert team can construct an entirely new enclosure around it, putting it to work in record time compared to the wait for an entirely new unit.  If you don’t happen to have a spare engine lying around, our team is able to provide a variety of refurbished motors to fit your needs.  This process is not only quicker, but more cost effective for consumers in dire need of a power solution.  We are able to utilize a variety of engine makes and sizes to create a custom build tailored to your operation!

Proudly Made in the United States of America!

Power Pool Plus is proud to manufacture the entirety of our product line in the United States of America.  All of our Power Packs and PortaPacks™ are built from the ground up in our Greenwood, South Carolina Manufacturing Headquarters, creating over 20 new jobs for the local economy.  With most companies choosing to offshore production over the past few decades, we are especially proud to double down on local investment by manufacturing our products domestically and employing American workers.   In addition to our production team, our entire sales and service staff are based out of New Jersey and South Carolina.  Whether you’re looking to purchase or rent on of our standard units or have a custom-built power supply created specifically to fit the needs of your operation, you can be sure that highly skilled and dedicated American workers power the process from beginning to end. We also encourage current reefer genset owners to take advantage of our re-manufacturing services to breathe new life into their units.  We'll be glad to work on them even if they were not originally manufactured by us!   We invite you to explore our entire product line!

Power Pack


Custom Designs

Rental Units

Re-Manufacturing Services

Here's when to replace your power cables

Know when to replace your power cables

Check your power cables for safety and functionality

Without quality power cables to transfer electricity from the power pack generator to reefer racks or remote receptacle trees, keeping a reefer yard filled with refrigerated containers would be impossible.

Yet even the best-made cables require proper maintenance to ensure functionality and worker safety.

The ground cabling we use is dual-jacketed to protect the inner copper strands from damage. Yet, the constant dragging of cables across asphalt and gravel yards can take its toll.

Using color-contrasting layers provides a visual indicator. For example, when the outer jacket is worn through, cut, or scraped, the inner jacket reveals a distinctly white visual warning that it may be time to replace the cable.

This visual awareness provides easy identification of abrasion before reaching the copper stranding to ensure the safety of the operators.

See the image below provided by our friends at Trystar cable, which highlights the dual-jacket layers.Power Pool Plus - Trystar Cable Diagram

  1. Outer Jacket
  2. Inner Jacket
  3. Copper strands

A best practice when handling ground cables is to pick them up and move them into position to avoid unnecessary scuffs. Protect them from moving vehicle traffic, do not allow them to lay in pooling water, and inspect them frequently for damage.

Get a quote today, on your next Purpose-Built Power Pack.

Ted Shelson
VP Marketing
Power Pool Plus

How we're meeting today's supply chain challenges

An unprecedented challenge.

COVID shutdowns and lost labor time, shipping delays, crippling storms, and raw material shortages - Nearly all suppliers and end-users are experiencing challenges due to the inability to secure the parts and materials needed for timely production.

Power Pool Plus Corporate Office Building
Power Pool Plus - Greenwood, SC Facility 2021

Power Pool Plus is no exception.
Even with the increased manufacturing capacity from our newly opened Greenwood, South Carolina plant, which affords us an additional 30,000sqft on 12+ acres of manufacturing space, delays in receiving raw materials for production prove problematic and negate any impact from this infrastructure investment.

For example, steel and electrical cable, two of the most used materials in our Power Packs, usually promised from our vendors in a few days, is now turning into 6-8 weeks or more. Our challenges are their challenges, as they count on commitments from their suppliers to turn products. It’s a vicious cycle.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal Report, up to 40 vessels anchored off Southern California ports had been waiting for dock space, which has since ebbed to around 17 earlier this week. While that is still too large a number, the backlog continues to shrink as ports and trucking catch up with the increased volumes.

But still, we are finding various steel products disappearing off our vendors’ shelves. And the availability of 20 and 40-ft high cube containers is also difficult to find at once typical prices. We continue to order in higher quantities than usual to stay ahead, so we have inventory to keep up with the demand.

While inflation has primarily been kept in check, there is talk about possible increases later in the year.

The good news is (there's always some good news),
as the world awakens from its COVID-induced sleep, it is clear that the demand for goods is strong. Consumers are looking to buy, and industries are ready to make investments to meet the demand. Refrigerated transport is no exception. As the demand for fresh produce increases, the need for power at ports to manage reefer throughput will remain high.

Our power packs are needed, orders are up, and accordingly, we have made investments in our production facilities to stay ahead.

So be patient. These delays will pass, and a sense of normalcy will resume. Until then, please know that all of us at Power Pool Plus are working hard to provide you with the finest Purpose-Built Reefer Power Genset on the market while remaining at a reasonable price to help your operation succeed.

Suppose your reefer management team is looking to increase productivity this year with new Power Pool Plus power packs. In that case, we highly suggest placing orders as soon as possible to minimize potential delays and expected increases in material costs.

Get a quote today, on your next Purpose-Built Power Pack.

Ted Shelson
VP Marketing
Power Pool Plus

Flood of refrigerated containers

A Perfect Storm flooding reefer terminals (and it's not water)

With the ever-increasing demand for year-round fresh fruits and vegetables, refrigerated containers full of perishable produce are hitting US ports at staggering rates. The need for ports to accept these reefers is demanding. But will this flood of reefers swamp terminal operators?

Why are refrigerated containers stuck in port?

In some cases, container ships arrive into port with more reefer to off-load than initially forecast, putting an incredible strain on the port operator to round up enough reefer receptacles for a load of containers.

Under normal times this may not be a problem.  But these are not normal times.

Increased refrigerated container traffic combined with multiple ships arriving back-to-back allows little time for some port operators to move reefer off the terminal before the next ship arrives.  Compounding these challenges is the decreased availability of truckers due to COVID. Without truckers to haul this cargo, everything sits - preventing terminal operators from moving reefer out of the port quickly.

But unlike dry containers that can be stacked and positioned just about anywhere in the yard, refrigerated containers require a constant supply of electricity to keep the perishable goods within temperature specs. Every reefer unloaded onto the terminal needs to quickly find an available electrical connection.  The financial risk of cargo spoilage is real and is a challenging responsibility for port operators.

Here's a solution.

Ideally, moving these perishable loads out of the port as quickly as possible is the best solution. But when that's not an option, diesel-powered generators, called Power Packs, offer port operators the flexibility to ramp up reefer capacity quickly to handle sudden increases in container throughput.  Power Packs uniquely accommodate thirty to fifty or more reefer cord connections.  And because they are diesel-powered, they can be positioned anywhere space is available.

  • Through short term rentals, terminal operators can quickly add capacity during traditional spikes in reefer throughput.
  • Longer rental terms can help operators mitigate the disruptions from lengthy port construction projects.
  • Custom designed power packs configured to meet an operators' unique requirements can be purchased for a permanent reefer power solution.

To weather the flood of reefer hitting your dock, Power Pool Plus maintains a fleet of power packs and their highly versatile cousin, PortaPacksTM, to help manage and keep the refrigerated containers safe while under the terminal operator's care.

How many reefer plugs do you need?

Contact Power Pool Plus


Ted Shelson
VP Marketing
Power Pool Plus

Power Pack Service

4 Essential Troubleshooting Tips for Power Packs

Reefer operators have only one thing on their mind, make sure that the refrigerated cargo under their care is kept safely to spec.

Having a diesel genset go down is never an option. But understanding a few of the issues that may cause a diesel generator to fail, may help to save the refrigerated loads and avoid a service call in the middle of the night.

Thankfully, most power pack failures are quickly resolved, and with some basic knowledge, can be managed successfully without having to wait for service.

To help your team through some of the most common issues, here are a few troubleshooting tips.

Power Pack will not start

  • Check that the battery disconnect switch is closed, and the batteries are charged.
  • Are the Emergency Stop Buttons Emergency Stop Button on Power Packengaged (pushed in)? Pulling them out may start the generator. Ensure that no one is working on the generator or is inside the container enclosure before pulling out any emergency stop button. There are two E-Stop buttons - one located outside the main door and another inside near the control panel.
  • Is there fuel in the tank? Fuel Fill Station on Power PackYes, it may seem obvious, but our road service team has been called out many times only to discover a power pack that was allowed to run out of fuel. Note: after refueling, prime all fuel filters with fuel before restarting the engine. This will ensure a quick start and protect the fuel pump from damage.

Power Pack shuts down without warning

  • Fuel issues are the leading cause of power pack failures in ports. Poor fuel quality means clogged fuel filters. Change fuel Fuel Filters on Power Packcanisters and elements, and drain and clean fuel/water separators frequently. Prime all fuel filters.
  • Overloading power packs is a common problem, and can easily lead to generator shut down and loss of the connected load. It happens when the Overloading a power pack with splittersreefer operator has more refrigerated containers to keep powered than available receptacles on the power pack. Beware of commonly used splitters to add capacity to power pack receptacle panels. An over-zealous operator may be inclined to connect as many as double the rated capacity of the power pack. It won’t take long to exceed the limitations of the power pack causing the main breaker to trip and cutting electrical current from the generator to the plugs.
  • Low oil level, low coolant level, and other alarm faults can cause your power pack to shut down to protect itself from damage. Before each startup, or at regular intervals during 24hr run cycles, visually inspect for leaks and worn parts, check and top off all fluids to proper levels, adjust loose belts or replace as necessary, and remove debris from the container compartment.

Power Pack runs but does not produce electrical power

Main Breaker on Power Pack

  • Check that the main breaker is engaged. Every power pack is different, but commonly located near the main control panel. Best practice is to engage the main breaker AFTER starting the engine.

Power Pack produces black exhaust smoke when running

  • Black exhaust smoke is a common sign of wet-stacking caused by under-loading a generator. Power Packs come in many sizes, Load Bank a Power Pack Generatortypically identified by plug count (20-plug, 30-plug, 40-plug, and so on). They can carry a load equal to that number of refrigerated containers. Connecting less than half that amount over long periods is equivalent to starting your car and letting it run idle all day long, which is not ideal for the vehicle. A diesel engine will create soot, or unburnt fuel when operated like this. Too much of this carbon buildup will rob the diesel engine of vital power. Loading up the power pack to its capacity should clear most black smoke issues. If not, a load bank may be needed to replicate or add additional load to the power pack. Power Pool Plus can assist in this.

Final Thought:
Power Packs are essential equipment for nearly every reefer operator. Setting aside even a small amount of time to understand a few of these concerns and how to address them quickly will go a long way in protecting your power pack and the valuable refrigerated load connected to it.

Questions? Contact Us.
The Power Pool Plus Service Team is available anytime to help keep your power pack reefer gensets running at their best, day or night.

Ted Shelson
VP Marketing
Power Pool Plus