What’s in the Name? Power Pool Plus Defined

What does the name Power Pool Plus mean?

We are sometimes asked, “Do you install swimming pools?”
It happens; and NO, we don’t.

What we DO provide are the resources your operation needs for reefer power generation in large ports or small yards, on barges or ship decks, and from small mobile units to large standby generators.

Yet there’s more meaning to our name that needs to be shared, as it tells the entire story of who we are and what we offer. Three words, Power Pool Plus, representing three ideals, and together providing one complete solution.

Here’s how we define our name.


It’s the operative word in our name, as in electrical power. We build, rent, and sell generators that are Purpose Built to the needs of the reefer operator. Our Power Pack generators are crafted and engineered to withstand some of the harshest environments in which our products may be the only dependable electrical power source.

Power Pool Plus offers complete power solutions for the port operator that include:

  • Power Pack Generators
  • Receptacle panels of any size
  • Electrical cables
  • Trailer Mounted Mobile Generators
  • Standby and Emergency Generators


This word often gets people confused, but it’s the one that really identifies the uniqueness in our ability to provide power solutions to the reefer terminal operator.

Let’s begin with the definition of the word as it appears in dictionary.com and merriam-webster.com.

  • pool2 [pool] noun
    • a combination of resources for common advantage.
    • a readily available supply of people or objects
  • pool2 [pool] verb
    • to combine or contribute (as assets) in a common form or effort

Through the use of our collective inventory of products, industry relationships, and the adoption of this less common use of the word, is how Power Pool Plus has the means to POOL, or bring together, many resources to provide unique power generation solutions that maximize our customer’s operational efficiencies and financial bottom line.


Something extra; over and above the norm.
PLUS refers to the many extra steps we take to support you through quality service and our nearly 30 years of professional experience serving the electrical power needs of the refrigerated transportation industry.

So there it is. Power Pool Plus. Three words carefully chosen when we started our business to clearly define our place in the refrigerated transportation industry.

Allow us to provide the POWER you need through our POOL of resources PLUS the support you deserve.